Holistic Life Navigation

[Ep. 54] Healing Trauma and Decolonizing With Food | Luis Mojica

July 02, 2021 Holistic Life Navigation
Holistic Life Navigation
[Ep. 54] Healing Trauma and Decolonizing With Food | Luis Mojica
Show Notes

In this episode, Luis shares a pre-recorded workshop he led for Tending the Roots Festival, founded by Karine Bell, about the way we use our food and treat our bodies as a direct result of colonization, which includes a Q&A at the end.

"Part of the most effective way to getting to the trauma and healing the trauma is creating a body that is so well-nourished that it reflects safety in its biochemistry. That the foods it eats grounds and supports and strengthens rather than depresses or depletes or activates. Food is a powerful medicine and tool for healing trauma because food can create a safe body or an activated-slash-depressed body."

"What I do believe is that a lot of the things we call 'symptoms', and 'conditions', and 'problems' are unprocessed trauma responses that are stuck physiologically. So what's amazing about food - amazing and difficult and confusing - is it's, I mean, to say it's a necessity dilutes it. It's something that our bodies know, it's something our bodies need, it's something we depend on. 'It' being food, food being Earth."

"Decolonizing and colonizing is simply the difference between being in dominance over or being in relationship with. It's that simple. Now where it stems from is quite complex, we've seen that in our history, in our social constructs, in our criminal justice systems. We see how complex it's gotten. But at the root of it -- it's a mentality of: Is this here for me or is this here with me?"

Connect with Karine Bell's work at https://www.rootedandembodied.com and @karinebell on Instagram.

You can join May's Addiction Circle here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/events/somatic-addiction-circle-1

You can read more about, and register for, the Embodied Nutrition slow group here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/slow-practice-nutrition-group

You can read more about, and register for, the Embodied Parenting slow group here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/parenting-group