Holistic Life Navigation

[Ep. 220] If You Can Ruminate, You're Safe - Navigating Remembered, Expected, & Actual Threat

In today’s episode, Luis and Camille discuss how our bodies interpret threats and how to decipher the somatic reality of whether or not it’s happening to us now. 

When we think of something happening to us in the future and the past, the same biochemistry is triggered as if the experience is happening in real time. Luis and Camille share why this happens and how to attune our bodies to a feeling of safety. 

You can read more about, and register for, the "Nourishing You & Your Business" webinar here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/embodied-practitioner-webinar

You can read more about, and register for, the slow groups here:
Embodied Practitioner
Embodied Masculinity

You can read more about, and register for, the retreat here: https://bluespiritcostarica.com/retreat/luis-mojica-somatic-therapist-nutritionist/