Holistic Life Navigation

[Bonus Episode] What Can A Possum Teach Us About Social Conflict?

Holistic Life Navigation

In today’s episode, Luis shares what a possum protecting itself from a coyote can teach us about the ‘freeze and collapse’ response. While it is essential to survival, our bodies can turn on that same response even when there’s not a life-threatening event happening. 

Allowing nature to be our teacher, Luis looks at the event through the lens of overcoupling disagreement with life-threatening danger. He shares three simple tools we can all practice to help the body feel safe where it is.

You can read more about, and register for, the "Nourishing You & Your Business" webinar here: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/embodied-practitioner-webinar

You can read more about, and register for, the retreat here: https://bluespiritcostarica.com/retreat/luis-mojica-somatic-therapist-nutritionist/