Holistic Life Navigation

[Ep. 19] Caffeine & Adrenaline: How They Affect The Body | Karen Hurd

Holistic Life Navigation Episode 19

Today I have Karen Hurd back on the show to talk all about adrenaline. This unavoidable, absolutely vital hormone that we need to live. Our modern world and industrialized food system has made it very easy for us to overtax our adrenals and create more adrenaline.

And what does that mean for the body? Inflammation, digestive upset, anxiety, emotional imbalances & activating trauma responses are just a few things that will be set off by excess adrenaline.

Karen Hurd walks us through the biochemistry of adrenaline on the body and how we can begin helping our bodies heal & repair from all the stimulation.

For more information on Karen, as well as her courses, please visit www.karenhurd.com.


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